Today I came from school and, as usual, I wanted my snack. But instead of grabbing the brownies in the container on the counter (resistance was hard, don't get me wrong! Those brownies were all like, "Maaaaaryyyyyy," but I was like "NO! I won't cave before at least 4:30!"), I decided to reach into my backpack and get the bag of goldfish I stuck in a few weeks ago to eat during my TA time.
So anyway, here I am, in front of my computer, eating those goldfish. AND THEY TASTE FUNNY. Not Dan-Bergstein-esque, HAHAHAHAROFLOL funny. I mean like, oddly citrusy-tasting funny.
I've never tasted weird goldfish before. Ever! I always thought goldfish were one of those foods that never ever ever went bad, or stale, or even slightly different. You know, like celery. And Chex Mix.
And now I'm wondering if I should quit eating these wacky goldfish. Maybe they're super bad for me or something. What if I get a food-borne illness?! (Sorry for the unusual terminology, but "Disease Detectives" was one of my Science Olympiad events, and food-borne illnesses were the focus of this year's competition.)
Oh man, that would suck. I wonder how many people have died from incidents related to goldfish consumption???
Hmm. E-cookies and eternal love to anyone who gets me that statistic. ;)
That's it for now!
I've only had goldfish once, because I'm not technically allowed them. They were yummyyyyyy.