Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Friends, Lovers, or Nothing....(And Guess Who Just Chose "Enemies"???)

At least it's over now. I finally talked to the piano player today. It was public. And humiliating. And depressing. And a total buzz-killer. But it's over.

The highlights of our conversation are pretty much him saying that I'm a greedy attention hog, and he cannot POSSIBLY give attention to me, what with the hordes of people that all worship him because he is so popular and fantabulous. Of course. With all of them, he should definitely make them the priority over an ex-friend who (in my opinion, naturally) has been robbed of a great friendship, snubbed, and battered.

I don't think I have ever demanded an unreasonable amount of attention from him. He's probably just mixing up the amount of effort I put in (tons) with the amount of reward I actually got out of it (zilch).

He blamed me for our non-existent rehearsals. It's apparently MY fault that he can't find a ride, he has to work on the weekends (EVERY DAMN WEEKEND), and I never even try to find a time that works. He conveniently forgot the three consecutive weekends when I asked him if he had an hour or two to spare for me.


I have a few choice words for him that I intend to drop tomorrow. During our concert. In front of a huge crowd of people. Including his peers. I think he is in dire need of a little humiliation in order to deflate his massive ego, which hardly fits through the door.

All I was trying to do was be friends. Correct? Oui. I figured that since we were stuck with each other ALL FREAKING YEAR, it might be nice if we didn't totally hate each other. But whatever, right? He knows best, after all. (Excuse me while I bandage up my sarcasm hand, which just crashed uncomfortably into the ceiling.)

I love you guys. You're so much classier, awesomesaucier, funnier, sweeter, kinder, and better than BGF.


P.S. On an equally (yeah, right) depressing note, SHE AIN'T SWEARIN'. The girl I sit next to in la classe de francais has been as G-rated as a Disney movie! Our Cuss Count is still awfully low, and I'm not predicting a dramatic rise anytime soon. Plus, she says I have pretty hair, and I have greater difficulty mocking people who compliment me.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Let's Make This Happen Adi, You're Gonna Show The World That My Advice Can Work And It Can Work For You!!!

Yes, this post is for my dear friend Adi. For the sake of other readers not being totally baffled, here's the general situation:

Adi has a date. Kind of. To a concert.

And I'm going to tell him what to do (and what not to do):

Do tell her she looks pretty. Girls like innocent remarks that'll make us blush.

Don't tell her she looks hot. It is exponentially less classy.

Phrase to use: "You look ____"
Acceptable vocabulary: "great," "pretty," "nice." Vocabulary to avoid: "hot," "sexy," "like my mom."

Do be chivalrous. Hold doors for her (which you do anyway, because you are - as my grandpa would say - a "nice-a guy"). As I said in our gmail conversation, it speaks volumes. Girls are so impressed when guys do such no-brainer things like holding doors! We don't get it as much as we'd like, and when someone does treat us with a little extra respect, we sit up and take note!

Don't overdo the chivalry. When you carry her over puddles a la the Elizabethan era, that's taking it a bit too far. Girls can walk. Now that society has deemed it appropriate for us to wear pants, we actually enjoy the exercise.

Do try to make at least ONE semi-romantic remark to her during the concert. The lyrics that inspired this song title are, as I have told you, a good opportunity for you to lean over and whisper "This song/these lyrics/this whatever always makes me think of you."

Don't quote me. At any point. It's generally a good idea to steer clear of mentioning ALL OTHER FEMALE BEINGS while you are on a date. I may be her secret best friend, but until she knows that, don't let on that your dating etiquette expertise came from anyone besides yourself.

Do practice personal hygeine before leaving the house. Shower before the concert. If you're all like "but CHEEEEEESE, I'm a morning-shower person!", shut up. Suck it up and smell like yummy soap for one night. And for the love of all things holy, brush your teeth. If she has a miraculous time and decides she wants to kiss you or something at the end of the concert, you don't want her to have to breathe in your nasty lunch-breath (a guaranteed way for you to not get a second kiss).

Don't expect me to come up with a "don't" for this scenario. Hygeine should NEVER be compromised.

As for my last piece of advice, ignore what I just said (except about the showering!!!). Romance cannot be planned word for word, and if you find yourself thinking in the last two minutes of the concert, "Oh crap, I never held a door for her! Cheese said to hold doors! COME ON, DATE! WE GOTTA GO FIND A DOOR!", then you're screwed. That particular scenario would result only with you looking like a total idiot, and your date being pissed she has to miss the big finale for you to hold a freaking door for her.

You'll be fine, Adi. And if you have any questions, you've got plenty of time to bombard me with them.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I Used To Know My Place Was The Spot Next To You, Now I'm Searching The Theater For An Empty Seat 'Cause Lately I Don't Even Know What Page You're On

On Thursday night I went to the midnight premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part One)! IT WAS SO WORTH SLEEPING THROUGH MATH CLASS! All right, for the purposes of my movie commentary, spoilers will be in a different color! If you don't want any of the movie's surprises ruined, skip ahead to the rest of...whatever color I'm writing in. My blog changes it, so it ends up not being black, even though I write it that way...

You can stop reading now.

Siriusly, you can go back to the original text color!

No need to read spoilers!

Spoil spoil spoil!

You sure? Okaaaay....

I know you're all thinking it...so WHAT IN THE NAME OF ALBUS PERCIVAL WULFRIC BRIAN DUMBLEDORE was up with the random, naked, photoshopped Harry/Hermione makeout scene?! I know it was supposed to be Ronald's nightmare-scene, but...there was NO lip-on-lip action involved! Just words! Only taunting! Anyways, that image kind of scarred me.

I screamed in the Godric's Hollow scene! Bathilda was SO CREEPY. And Nagini....jumping out of nowhere....*shudder* I screamed! And then when it went all quiet and they reached for the wand by the ledge thing, I was all like "Don't look over the ledge! Don't look over the ledge!" and they DID, and I was like "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" because Nagini just like, jumped out! And....ew....fangs! Fangs!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! It was SO SCARY.

But I have to say, I think my favorite part was in the Ministry of Magic, when Ron is telling Mary Cattermole that she has to go home and leave the country and stuff. When she snogs him...the look on Hermione's face is just PRICELESS! She's all like, "GO DIE, YOU B-WORD! AND GET YOUR MITTS OFF MAH GINGER!"

...I think that's what I looked like today in orchestra when the principal second violinist started flirting with BGF. *glare* Luckily, I put her in her place when I swapped the seconds and the cellos. :) I'm the TA! I set up the chairs, I choose where to put my romantic rivals! THAT'S HOW IT WORKS.

And there was that totally random, completely film-only scene of Harry and Hermione dancing. I thought it was adorable and hilarious, all at the same time! So even though it was not in JK Rowling's masterpiece, I didn't mind. :D

IT WAS THE RETURN OF DOBBY!!! It was also the termination of Dobby, which made me really depressed. I almost cried. However, seeing as I was sitting next to the popular girls, I refrained in an effort to appear cool.

All in all, this is my FAVORITE Harry Potter movie! It absolutely reeked of epicness.

I'm afraid the cuss count revival gathered some premature hype. SP 2.0 went two full days without swearing! (After her streak of NINE!) If it was just a one-time thing, then I'm going to be very disappointed.

P.S. For those of you who were curious, the post title refers to the theater in which I saw DH. Guess who was there at the same time? BGF, naturally. Sandwiched between the ASB president and his fellow 9th grade rep. :P Both girls. I went up to talk to them (because at the time, I had no idea where to sit - the theater was PACKED!), and he didn't even look at me. It kind of sucked. It...really sucked. I need this conversation more than ever now....

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

You Need To Hear Me Out And They Said Speak Now!

I officially have an accomplice! *cue evil music*


You see, I (like many other nerds in my grade - aka SIX) do Science Olympiad. Unfortunately, the B Division competition rules only allow for five freshmen on the team. That means that our team must bid farewell to one of our buddies. This is personally very depressing to me, because one of my closest friends is the one who will shortly be getting the metaphorical axe. He's doing an event with me (Crime Busters FTW!), and his absence will mean I need a new partner-in-crime. Sadly, my accomplice already has a full schedule, but she DID suggest BGF!!!! After I politely declined, knowing he would object in the politest way possible, she said she'd ask for me! I'M GETTING BGF BAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!! :D

We're gonna bust crime together!

In other news, we switched seats in la classe de francais. When this happened, I was totally resigned to the fact I'd have to retire my Cuss Count, but guess what?! You're in luck! The NEW person who sits next to me (not my seat partner, thank God) swears even more than Seat Partner #1!!! So, starting now, I will be keeping track of the swearing done by SP 2.0. Just remember, 31 is the cuss count to beat! (Believe me, it's one day in and she already swore 9 times. I'm starting to think it ain't gonna be that hard.)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Don't Look Back, Just Go. Take A Breath, Move Along (All The Way Down To Louisiana)

Priya! Hi Priya! Thank you for not being a lurker! :) It's always great to get comments. They (and this goes for everybody's comments!) make my day. <3

Thank you so much for your words of wisdom. I had absolutely no clue boys were lunkheads (except for the manklers, of course). *sarcasm hand (not aimed at the comment about manklers)* But one of these days, he's in for a rude awakening. (I'm just sayin'.) Anyway, you've probably heard enough about that by now. :)

I have posted a poll that may persuade me to be marginally less lazy (no guarantees; I'm the one who finishes big projects the class period before they're due), and I shall be updating the cuss count pronto!

Guess what?! Over my school's winter break, I'm goin' on a ROAD TRIPPPPPP!!!!! All the way to Louisiana...believe me, I will have many pictures for you. :) We're going all the way down the west coast (after all, who would want to cross the Rockies in December?!), then taking a sharp turn in southern California and heading to some town near New Orleans! FUN, right?! Right?! *panics* I will NOT go crazy sitting in a car for an entire week. I won't!!!! *hyperventilates*

That's it for now, buddies! <3

Have a fantastic...however long it'll be until I post again, and if there are any Americans reading this right now, go hug a veteran tomorrow! They made sacrifices for you!


P.S. 'Tis the season for a bit of shameless self-promotion. Followers, I call upon you to help recruit our Sparkfriends, because I have no means of reaching most of them! Please help me get our little cheesy family of 8 (me, plus you seven amazing followers) BIGGER, BIGGER, BIGGER!

Now, please excuse me while I go and attempt to retrieve my dignity. It must have wandered off while I was begging for your help...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

She's Got All The Right Friends In All The Right Places, So Yeah, I'm Going Down...

Someone, please be so kind as to explain to me why somebody who a certain person has known for five years (ME) is talked to, looked at, and generally tolerated less than somebody they have known for five weeks (NOT ME)?

I fail to see how that adds up. And this was after I snuck a peek through the Calculus class window this morning at the high school! If they can't do the math, I'm hard-pressed to find someone who can.

My French class had a tres marvelous speaker today! He was the president of the local French Bakers' Union, or whatever it's called, and he brought me food. :) He also officially taught us to swear in French class (at the insistence of Seat Partner, of course - who else?).

I barely understood any of it, but I was quite amused nonetheless when one of the people in my class recited a phone number, asked if it meant anything to the guy speaking, and later declared, "WELL IT'S THE NUMBER OF YOUR COMPANY."

If you're ever in need of a stalker, just tell me. I know a guy. ;)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

(The Destiny Dice Were) How This Idea Was Drilled Into My Head, Cause It's Too Important To Stay The Way It's Been

Good morning, my cheesy followers! Time for your occasional relevatory post! You see, this morning I was throwing my "Destiny Dice" to determine my fate for the day (yup, I was kinda bored).

First, I got this

And then this

And then this

But I realized I kept re-throwing the dice because I wasn't getting what I wanted. So you know what? If I want this, then this is what I'll get!

Because we make our OWN destinies! If we don't like the dice the world has thrown for us, just stick out an index finger and push the dice over!!!

We have the power.

(P.S. I don't have anything against getting money from a Sagittarius.)