Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Don't Look Back, Just Go. Take A Breath, Move Along (All The Way Down To Louisiana)

Priya! Hi Priya! Thank you for not being a lurker! :) It's always great to get comments. They (and this goes for everybody's comments!) make my day. <3

Thank you so much for your words of wisdom. I had absolutely no clue boys were lunkheads (except for the manklers, of course). *sarcasm hand (not aimed at the comment about manklers)* But one of these days, he's in for a rude awakening. (I'm just sayin'.) Anyway, you've probably heard enough about that by now. :)

I have posted a poll that may persuade me to be marginally less lazy (no guarantees; I'm the one who finishes big projects the class period before they're due), and I shall be updating the cuss count pronto!

Guess what?! Over my school's winter break, I'm goin' on a ROAD TRIPPPPPP!!!!! All the way to Louisiana...believe me, I will have many pictures for you. :) We're going all the way down the west coast (after all, who would want to cross the Rockies in December?!), then taking a sharp turn in southern California and heading to some town near New Orleans! FUN, right?! Right?! *panics* I will NOT go crazy sitting in a car for an entire week. I won't!!!! *hyperventilates*

That's it for now, buddies! <3

Have a fantastic...however long it'll be until I post again, and if there are any Americans reading this right now, go hug a veteran tomorrow! They made sacrifices for you!


P.S. 'Tis the season for a bit of shameless self-promotion. Followers, I call upon you to help recruit our Sparkfriends, because I have no means of reaching most of them! Please help me get our little cheesy family of 8 (me, plus you seven amazing followers) BIGGER, BIGGER, BIGGER!

Now, please excuse me while I go and attempt to retrieve my dignity. It must have wandered off while I was begging for your help...

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