First off, I've got to thank all of you for your support, and letting me vent to you about all my issues. You are all so amazing, and I know I'm super lucky to have you guys in my life. Y'all are the only ones keeping me from going crazy (er), since I have successfully managed to trick EVERYONE ELSE in my life into thinking I don't love him anymore. If I couldn't tell you guys what's happening, I think I might just explode with the conflicting emotions. So thanks. And now....
NO. NO. NO NO NO NO NO. You know what he's doing?! He's doing that damn* boy thing! You know...when they break your heart, then trample it into a million tiny (sharp!) pieces, and you make every effort to not love them anymore. And THEN they go back to how they used to be. Even if it's just for a few minutes and you're too afraid to push it farther, you still lose every little bit of your willpower. Why do they do that?! Why did he do that?!
I deserve better than the jerky loser he's been lately, that's true. But...(insert Smelly Belly moment) he didn't change. He just acted like he changed. But underneath....underneath....he's still the same. He's the same sweetheart he's always been. More bluntly, he's the same sweetheart I cannot get OVER. :P
We're lucky the ozone layer is tougher than me, otherwise we would've been fried eons ago.
*If any of you were wondering, my French class Cuss Count has been at 0 all week, since my dear old seat partner is on vacation in Nebraska. Thank goodness she took her f***ing language with her, right? :)
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