Tuesday, October 5, 2010

You're So Vain, You Probably Think This Post Is About Your Word Choice

My French class switched seats. And starting Thursday (there is no French class on Wednesdays), I will be keeping an ongoing tally of the times my seat partner swears. REALLY. Every. Other. Sentence. Is "FU, B****! Daaaaaamn!"

When you are given beautiful, beautiful words in the English language such as obliterate, serendipitous, affection, contemplate, and chocolate, why the **** would anyone want to use profanity with such abundance? And when you're taking FRENCH, you get just as many wonderful words, only with l'accent aigus and other weird...annotations of letters. I don't know how to say it. L'accent this, l'accent that. There are a lot of different markings for letters. Ugh, go take a French class. I suck at explaining.

Except for math, apparently. (Hi Hannah!)

Er, the point is that she is an uneducated moron who should go back and take English 101 before trying to learn ANOTHER language.

*in Sixth-Sense voice*


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