Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sing Me A Song I Know All The Words To...(Oh Right, You Just Did!)

First off, I would like to congratulate Adi on his outstanding cover of Use Somebody (in which he rather adorably says "Ohai, Mary" at the beginning) and encourage my several readers to nag him about getting it on Youtube. :)

*nag nag nag*

Aaaaaand this is the part where I taunt you with "I KNOW WHAT I'M COOKING THIS WEEK AND YOU DON'T." You see, as much as I appreciated Feathers' suggestion, I disqualified it because I remembered that I have, in fact, made a decent serving of scrambled eggs before! So I faced the scary 4 full shelves of cookbooks my mother owns and chose a brand new dish that appears to be within my range of expertise. In fact, I found SEVERAL recipes, so we're set for the next few weeks. Yay!

I find it very depressing that I don't read nearly as much as I'd like to, so I'm going to blog a book (how original, I know). I have not chosen one yet. I'll try to decide within the next few days. This is going to be a recurring, weekly column that happens every...Friday. (Dan Bergstein and Coffinmaker seem to have dibs on Thursdays.) This will start next week, unless I happen to find a book at the speed of light. As with everything else on my blog, comments and/or suggestions are WELCOMED, ENCOURAGED, and MET WITH OUTSTANDINGLY ENTHUSIASTIC TACKLEHUGZ.


  1. Thank you. But you might be a little disappointed at the result of the editing (nothing drastic, I assure you) before it gets on Youtube.

    Looking forward to the future blogs!

    *inserts a little bit of advertising*

    My parents have recently purchased a book on teenagers. That should make for interesting blogging :D

    Look out for it.

  2. HAHAHAHAHAH Mary, you're so funny :D
    I am very jealous. I WANT A SONG, ADI.

  3. A book...*splutter*....on....*double splutter*...TEENAGERS? Omai. Well, at least you'll have a reason to keep up your blog, hmmm? :D

    Oh. And HANNAH WANTS A SONG TOO. No going back now!!!
