Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where's That Shiny Bus, And Did It Ever Get Me Far? (Oh No It Didn't, Because They Forgot About Me)

The bus forgot about me and my friends this morning. After high school classes, we had to wait for an hour and twenty minutes to catch the damn bus back to our normal school. We needed to call our school's office, and then we yelled "WHERE IS THE BUS?" in unison. This 80 minute-period was spent fighting over iPods, kissing each other on both cheeks a la francais (sadly, I did not get smooched by the piano player), and having shouting matches with my peers. Looking back on it, it was actually pretty awesome. But regardless of its fabulous factor, it was still a waste of my time.

Due to this unfortunate circumstance, my harmonica plan has reluctantly been put on hold until I'm guessing tomorrow, when I am expecting to have a full hour of potential annoyance at my disposal. Quite honestly, though, I'm not totally sure if this will be the case. But my dear harmonica IS waiting patiently in my backpack, practically begging to be blown on.

As for blog news...we are currently tied in our book-blogging poll! The Golden Compass and To Kill a Mockingbird each have a whopping TWO votes! Since I have not thought of an acceptable tie-breaking method, if you have not yet voted, GET YOUR BUTT OVER THERE AND CLICK THE BUTTON! It ain't rocket science, you know...

Also, it is with regret that I inform you Misadventures in the Kitchen is on a temporary hiatus. I have been forbidden from cooking the meal I decided on until further notice, simply because my mom and/or I have something scheduled every single night of this week, and she doesn't want me using expensive ingredients without her watching over my shoulder. Crazy, I know! I'm like Rachael Ray over here! You can't stop my food-making mania!!!

*shakes head*

Will Smith said it best...

♫♪ Parents are the same no matter time nor place
So to you other kids all across the land
Take it from me
Parents just don't understand ♫♪


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