Monday, September 13, 2010

With Every Step, I Sprint A Little Faster...

I won the sprints at soccer practice today! EEEEEE *crazed scream* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOMGOMGOMG!

Sorry, just had to get that out there. It's kind of a big (huge) deal for me, because I remember my first practice two whole years ago. I was the worst one there, because everyone else had played since they were 5, and I was the one and only junior-high-age-joiner-weirdo. I had no skill, I had pathetic endurance, and I felt like everyone else on my team resented me for being so far behind them.


I've come so far! I am not the fastest, but I sure as hell ain't the slowest anymore! I have....more skill than I did before. Probably not going to be getting any soccer scholarships, but I can hold my own on the field. (Finally.)

Whoa, I've been so self-centered today! I usually at least try to be entertaining. Sorry, but this is just SUCH A GIGANTIC ACCOMPLISHMENT FOR ME!!!!

To make up for my me-ness today, I have collected (courtesy of some sites I found thanks to Google) a handful of rather hilarious viola jokes!

Why do so many people take an instant dislike to Viola players?
It saves time.

Why are violists' ears sought after for transplants?
They've never been used.

And my personal favorite...
What's the ideal weight for a professional Viola player?
About 20 ounces - not counting the urn.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Are you laughing? I'm laughing. I am cracking up over here.

1 comment:

  1. I've never been in an orchestra with violas before... I guess I should consider myself lucky. :D

    And congrats on the sprints! I totally know what it feels like to be slow and unskilled! Good to know you've graduated!
